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Products | Electric Grills and Electric Grill Accessories

Find your new favorite electric grill accessories with Char B Que™. From grill hoods to rollabout carts, we make cooking easy and exciting. Buy now.

E-50 Ribbed Glass Electric Grill

E-50 Ribbed Glass Electric Grill

E-50s Ribbed Glass Electric Grill with Windscreen / Splatter Shield & Warmer Rack

E-50s Ribbed Glass Electric Grill with Windscreen / Splatter Shield & Warmer Rack

EA-150 Stainless Steel Rollabout Cart with Side Shelves

EA-150 Stainless Steel Rollabout Cart with Side Shelves

EA-160 Stainless Steel Hinged Hood

EA-160 Stainless Steel Hinged Hood

EA-90 Stainless Steel Windscreen / Splatter Shield & Warmer Rack

EA-90 Stainless Steel Windscreen / Splatter Shield & Warmer Rack


Electric Grills and Electric Grill Accessories

Our electric barbecues for sale are designed with you in mind. After using the Char B Que™ grill, you will not want to go back to a traditional gas or charcoal grill. Delicious food, easy portability, and effortless clean-up are just some of the reasons why many users love this compact electric grill.

For even better tasting food, outfit your new grill with some of our electric grill accessories. The windscreen/splatter shield, in addition to our warmer rack, can be used with your Char B Que™ grill for a complete cooking experience. 

Enjoy five-star meals every day of the week with our electric grill accessories and electric barbecues for sale. Do you have questions or feedback? Contact us directly.