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EA-160 Stainless Steel Hinged Hood | Electric Char B Que™

Do you need a stainless-steel grill hood? No matter the time of the year, you can use ours to cook the finest dishes. It is also easy to attach and remove.

EA-160 Stainless Steel Hinged Hood

Model EA-160

EA-160 Stainless Steel Hinged Hood

Ideal for use in cold and windy climates, the EA-160 Stainless Steel Hinged Hood is certain to keep all of your food warm for longer. Plus, it locks in the flavor, so you can enjoy your favorite foods even more.

It easily attaches to your E-50 grill with hinge brackets and pins, meaning it will not go anywhere as you are cooking. This stainless-steel grill hood is also quick to remove.

Be sure to grill outside with our stainless-steel grill hood, especially if you are cooking in cooler conditions. Purchase yours today.