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EA-90 Stainless Steel Grill Splatter Shield & Warmer Rack

Char B Que™ proudly offers an accessory pack with a stainless-steel grill rack and splatter shield. Our technology makes it easy to cook and clean up. Shop now.

EA-90 Stainless Steel Windscreen / Splatter Shield & Warmer Rack

Model EA-90

EA-90 Stainless Steel Windscreen /
Splatter Shield & Warmer Rack


The EA-90 Stainless Steel Windscreen/Splatter Shield & Warmer Rack accessory pack for the E-50 grill includes a stainless-steel grill rack to keep your food hot. The windscreen included in this pack provides proper ventilation as you cook, and it doubles as a splash guard as well. All our accessories attach with snap technology, and they will stay sturdy from the first course of your meal to the final course.

If you already have an E-50 grill, the stainless-steel grill rack and windscreen are perfect additions to your cooking setup. Elevate your grilling experience today with an accessory pack from Char B Que™.